Innovation Research conducted the business set-up project for a group of investors who wanted to change the way people are spending holidays on the Romanian seaside. It all started by setting objectives and drafting the project phases:
Insights generation online community
Seeing the waves from anywhere, owning their piece of sea, being eco-friendly or getting back to basics were among the needs consumers articulated during the project.
Workshop with the client to define the concepts
With the fresh insights in mind, we teamed with the client to build the set of solutions that best answered the earlier expressed consumer's expectations. The full concepts were created following a predefined structure in order to ensure they were comprehensive and comparable: insight – description – big benefit – RTB – tagline. We ended up with 4 concepts and 1 benchmark to test against.
Concepts testing to select the winning solution
After testing the concepts, we learnt that a combination of getting back to basics and being able to tell a story about your holiday would be the mix consumers will pay for. We could hardly wait to see it happen!
The outcome
This is how the client's team started from having some clues and intuitions about the final concept and ended-up with a ready to implement, consumer generated, tested solution in their drawer.